The Architects

Published by Andrei Cracanau 3 min readJun 12, 2020

Way before matter was conceived, way before time married space to form what could only be described as one of the strangest fever dreams Reality ever had, there were The Architects – n-dimensional beings – entities beyond time; entities able to morph into any shape, inside any dimension. This ability, to someone stuck in a limited number of dimension may seem impossible, or at least impossible to wrap your head around – and the latter indeed is true, but the very existence of everything we know, proves it is not impossible in itself.

Many eons ago, long before history – long before even time itself existed, our Universe was but a spark in one of the Architects’ eyes. Our Universe is, in a way, of Their creation. Their infinite thirst for knowledge led them to create enclosed physical models of the dimensions they could inhabit. Finite spaces where they could tweak and study the fundamental laws and interactions between entities – which we now know as Bounds. After all the combinations had been exhausted they moved on to creating infinite spaces of finite dimensions, which they called Everspaces, and which our very own Universe is one of. Nearly all of the Architects are now believed to have moved on to studying infinite spaces of infinite dimensions – their own reality, so to speak.

When The Architects were studying Bounds and Everspaces, each iteration was given a slightly different set of rules and outcomes. However, from their limited interactions with our world has arisen the idea that they’ve learned all they could from realities such as ours, that there’s a good chance that we are the last unique iteration; all iterations from now on will be exact copies of this one. All the Bounds and Everspaces they left behind will act as broken records, repeating themselves endlessly, with no change from one iteration to the next.

Human archeologists, back on Earth, found the ruins of four great pillars, surrounded by a sort of mirror-like material arranged in such a way that the shadows of the four structures met, somewhere in the middle of the Kalahari desert. It has been shown that early humans and their ancestors venerated these structures, as it is believed they were created at the command – and with the help – of this Universe’s Architect. They have, however – over the ages – faded out of existence. There was a time when humans excelled most at destroying what they were given, and not much else. All that remains now is the barren land of wind and sand that speaks of a grand perhaps. It speaks of bigger things than our lives, bigger than the life of the Universe even. It speaks of what lies beyond eternity.