Published by Andrei Cracanau •2 min read•Jan 24, 2024
Music is lovely. Existence is, if nothing else, fascinating. What were the odds that a meat sack enclosing an array of bones would just… wake up. Just wake up and live, and breathe, and dance, and love. Existence itself is miraculous – but were I not the one writing this, I’d say consciousness can’t be real. The fact that we just woke up one day and realized we exist is nothing short of miraculous. There’s no way the meat sack that woke up also looked at itself and went “I’m alive. I have choices, and preferences, and an identity”. There’s no way that just happens, somewhere in a barren corner of the universe where nothing happens. For billions of years – nothing but entropy. Planets are born and die. They appear and disappear into nothingness as if they never were. But people? People don’t just disappear. People stick around long after their meat sack has stopped dancing, or moving, or breathing. The actions of people speak truths of long gone consciousnesses – meat sacks that woke up and made a difference in the giant ocean of time and space. There’s eight billion of us now. Eight billion identities, seeking their own silly little path in this crazy and convoluted world. Ever-changing. Ever-evolving. But that’s what being human is. Adapting to whatever happens. That’s how we became the dominant species on Earth. Not by our impressive wits, nor by our athletic abilities, but by our stubbornness and unwillingness to let go – to give up. We look danger straight in the eyes and spit in its face. The human spirit – how indomitable.
– Notes of a Traveler, 2022 Anno Domini.